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Email Funnels: Rewarding your Signups With the Content they Want


Casual male working on mobile devices in coffeeshop.


Your carefully crafted email drops in a subscriber’s email box. They get dozens of emails every day and are starting to feel overwhelmed with all the emails fighting for already limited attention. 

One of two things could happen at that moment as they glance through the first few lines of your email.

They click out immediately… (exclaiming the word ‘Boring’ as they unsubscribe).

Or they are drawn in by the quality and value of the content you provide in your email. The choice is yours.

A lead trusting you with their contact information means they must have a certain amount of interest in your product or service. With an automated highly personalized email campaign, you can harness this momentum.

The idea is to provide valuable content that:

  • Make them aware of their problem.
  • Shows them what the solution is.
  • Let them know your product can help them find the solution easily.
  • Make an offer they can’t refuse.

How easily your subscribers move through the different phases of your sales funnel, will depend largely on the quality of email content you dish out to them. 

Your goal as an agency should then be to come up with valuable and engaging email content that your subscribers will love and find valuable. This way, you are holding their hands through the process, and not letting them drop off at specific phases in your funnel.

Standing out from the sea of emails

It’s really a sea of emails out there in your subscriber’s inbox.

The human attention span reducing by the seconds doesn’t make this any easier. Chances are, they are actively signing up to a bunch of other agencies offering a solution to their problems. Your competition is probably offering similar products or services through email to them at the same time.

Your best bet will be to stand out from the crowd. Give them content that helps them develop trust in you and what you are offering. Your goal should be to offer valuable content that addresses their pain points succinctly and guides them to a solution.

First things first: What makes your signups tick?

Stylist viewing work tablet inside a salon.

It is assumed that you already mapped out who your target audience is.

But do you know what makes them tick?

Do you know the problems they need solutions to?

Do you know their pain points?

Have you studied their lingo to know how best to communicate?

All of these, dear agency owners, are the first set of keys you need to unlock the door to valuable content for your subscribers. It is your target audience and not you, that is most important in the grand scheme of things. 

There are several ways to find out what your email subscribers want. One of them is to dig deep into the reason they opted-in to your funnel. You can do this by segmenting your target audience automatically based on the lead magnet they showed interest in. At the heart of it will be a desire to solve a problem or meet a need using your product or service.

For instance, if your lead magnet is an ebook on outsourcing marketing, anyone who opts in will most likely be interested in hiring a copywriting service. You will have a higher chance of converting your leads when you focus on thesis interests.

Five ways to consistently reward your signups with content they want

Providing value is a two-way street. If you can show your prospects that you have what they want, they will give you what you want.

Remember, it’s the target audience and not you, that is really important in the grand scheme of things.  Here are six ways to provide your signups with the value they want:

1. Deliver on your promise

No one likes to be tricked into taking a specific action.

For instance, if the lead magnet you used to draw a subscriber in was a promise to give them something in return for their contact, it is only fair that you deliver on your promise. Failure to do so paints a bad picture of you and your agency.

On the other hand, delivering on your promise is one way to build trust in your credibility as an agency and by extension, your ability to solve their problems or meet their needs.

2. Keep your leads engaged with educational content

Woman sitting at the computer on a work desk.

At this point in your funnel, you have the attention of your lead. A part of them is starting to crave a solution to their problems. 

It is at this point that you introduce your product or service as the answer to their problem. Be intentional about keeping them engaged with educational content about your product or service.

Think of it as a way of solidifying their convictions about what you have to offer. These emails can include demo videos, links to product-related blog posts that address pain points, Et cetera.

You want to give them access to as many sources for learning new stuff. 

3. Show them what’s possible through success stories

For every goal, your subscriber has, a part of them would certainly want to see someone who has accomplished it. It could be a goal to achieve better results through onboarding, a goal to increase conversions, a weight loss goal, et cetera.

Sending over case studies from time to time gets the job done. Show them how people in similar situations as them made the best out of a product or service that led to a successful outcome. In a sense, this has a way of connecting the dots and sparking their interest to get the same results.

4. Provide answers to their questions

Ever wondered about the idea behind FAQs?

Well, humans are naturally curious. When we have a problem, we want to find the solution in the easiest way possible. More often than not, your potential customers will have the same questions which you can gather together.

FAQs play a major role in their conversion process as it helps to eliminate any confusion and doubts that they may have. It also shows that you care about them enough to not leave them in the dark.

5. Write like a human who cares

Overhead image of a woman's hands working on a laptop computer next to empty coffee mug.

This tip cuts across every kind of email you send out throughout a lead’s journey. As simple as it may sound, many get it wrong.

Settle in your heart that even though you use an automated system to churn out these emails, the person on the receiving end is a human. This means you need to write like a human communicating with another human

Somehow, your subscribers can tell when you sound like a robot programmed to deliver a message to thousands of people. In other words, they know when a message is generic and not personalized.

You need to write like a person who cares about them and not someone who is outrightly trying to sell. This means learning your audience’s lingo and using that to establish a rapport with them. So much so after a while, your emails begin to feel like messages from a friend. 

A smooth and seamless flow

As stated earlier, providing value is a two-way street. The more value you give to your leads throughout your email funnel, the higher your chances of converting them into customers.

When you leverage on satisfying the desires of your leads, you create a smooth and seamless flow from the top to the bottom of your funnel. 


Jennifer Alimasunya

Jennifer is a dedicated copywriter for GoWP, a company that provides exceptional outsourced Wordpress services to help agencies grow. She lives in Lagos, Nigeria. In her spare time, she writes and records music.

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