Integrity Doctors

How partnering with GoWP helped this niche consulting company increase recurring profits and save countless hours.
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Our clients were telling us that the WP dashboard was too complicated. That they were not professional web designers and they didn’t want to deal with doing their own content updates.
Joel Nelson
Integrity Doctors IT Director
Integrity Doctors is a team of knowledgeable and experienced chiropractic coaches. They are a full-service chiropractic consulting company helping professionals in their sector to be successful.
Their services include help opening clinics, establishing business best practices, hiring the best staff and financial planning. Marketing and web design is also a big part of their service, because in today’s landscape a business must be discoverable online.
IT Director Joel Nelson has been working with Integrity Doctors since the early 2000s when he was building static HTML websites for their clients. Around 2012, they made the switch to WordPress and touted the Admin Dashboard as a desirable feature of their service.
The idea that clients could go in and update their sites themselves seemed like an upgrade to the old way of clients requesting and then waiting on updates to be made on their static HTML sites.
However, numbers don’t lie. A few years down the line, Joel and the team realized signups were on the decline and they pinpointed the problem: Clients didn’t want to deal with website updates themselves.
“Our clients were telling us that the WP dashboard was too complicated,” Joel explains.
So the team at Integrity Doctors were at a crossroads. Joel wasn’t able to take on the task of performing endless content edits, but they also didn’t have the budget to bring on a new team member. Joel was used to being the frontline for client web support — answering questions and troubleshooting when possible — but he wasn’t able to take on all these client support requests as part of his daily workload. But this is what the clients said they wanted, so he set off looking for a solution.
Why GoWP?
So what convinced Joel that the GoWP team was the solution to his problem? Well there were a few different factors…

White label
Being able to seamlessly transition to offering WordPress support for their clients was a top priority. Joel and the team didn’t want to cause any extra confusion by explaining to current clients that they were outsourcing this work. Using GoWP’s white label service, Joel was able to create a neat bundle of services to offer clients under the Integrity Doctors branding — a bundle that included a 24/7 WordPress support team.
Customized workflow
Joel has been taking care of Integrity Doctors client sites for many years, and he had some workflows in place he didn’t want to sacrifice by bringing in an outside team. The GoWP sales team reassured him that the GoWP happiness engineers would have no problem implementing his workflows into their daily duties. And it’s been smooth sailing from the get go.
Happy clients
GoWP seemed too good to be true. A 24/7 support team that was ready to take on all client support requests from day one was exactly what Joel was looking for. With GoWP he was able to offer this new premium service to clients and those clients were thrilled that they weren’t responsible for updating their websites anymore. Win-win.
The Struggle
Integrity Doctors clients were not equipped or willing to do their own website updates. Bottom line: IT Director Joel Nelson did not have time to take on the tasks nor the budget to hire a person to do just that.
The whole story:
Joel is a one-man tech team within Integrity Doctors, and there is a lot of responsibility that falls under his purview. He knew that if he was going to be able to contribute to the company’s growth, he had to figure out a cost-efficient way to provide web support to their clients.
It was becoming increasingly clear that clients wanted Integrity Doctors to be responsible for website updates. Their inability to provide this service was beginning to impact their bottom line.
Then someone recommended Joel take a look at GoWP.
“I immediately looked into it and saw the answer,” Joel recalls. “This solves the problem of clients having to do their own edits and with the white label we can just invisibly funnel all update requests to the GoWP team. At the same time we are able to promote to our clients that after years of not offering website updates, we’re back in the business of doing it.”
The next problem became how they would roll this out to their current clients. The new service would of course be an upgrade and with that, a higher monthly cost for the client. Would they be willing to adopt?
GoWP‘s Solution
GoWP’s team of 24/7 happiness engineers was the perfect solution for Integrity Doctors. The GoWP team takes care of all the content edits and updates requested by clients and Joel is able to focus on the more important IT needs of the company as a whole.
Because of the services offered in their new, more well-rounded website package, getting clients on board was not as much of a challenge as expected.
The whole story:
“Even when we weren’t offering content updates as part of our service, I was still the front line of client support,” Joel says. “I got a ton of emails just asking how to do things within the WP dashboard or troubleshooting issues. It was eating up a lot of my time.”
Now those emails are diverted directly to the white label inbox and fielded by the GoWP experts. And clients are very pleasantly surprised.
Whereas before when a client would ask how to update content in the WP dashboard they’d get instructions or suggestions, they now receive a friendly, “I’ve gone ahead and taken care of that update for you!” response from the support team.
Having these daily disruptions off his plate has allowed Joel to focus on the overall wellbeing of the company’s technical needs.
“Having the support of GoWP means I’m not just trying to stay afloat with the daily emails flooding in. It has allowed me to do more focused work like taking inventory of our systems and improving our company database,” Joel says. “Fewer interruptions means I’ve been able to do an exhaustive study on our current processes and take the time to envision new ways to improve them.”
And getting customers to adopt the new service was a breeze.
They rolled out the service with a packaged offer which included premium site design templates, better hosting services and, of course, managed support.
There were the early adopters who signed up immediately upon hearing the announcement. This cohort allowed Joel to test the new offerings and make sure everything ran smoothly and that clients were happy.
Spoiler: Everything worked great and clients were elated with the new ask-and-you-shall-receive site support.
Within a few months they were ready to rollout to all current clients. This meant that clients were required to upgrade or find services elsewhere.
“Of course there can be growing pains with any major change like this,” Joel says. “But the impact was significantly less than we were anticipating.”
In fact, nearly all current clients signed on for the new and improved web package.
Turns out, offering 24/7 WordPress support was exactly what their clients wanted all along.
By partnering with GoWP, Integrity Doctors was able to offer their clients a more complete service. And in fact, it was the service their clients wanted all along.
Not only did GoWP’s service not add to Integrity Doctors overhead cost, it actually enabled them to increase their profits. By requiring all clients to adopt the new, more complete and more expensive web package, they were increasing the monthly recurring revenue. It also helped make them more competitive in their field.
Now that GoWP’s 24/7 team of expert WordPress engineers is handling the daily site support, Joel is able to focus on work that improves the company’s overall wellbeing.
The main thing I appreciate is how responsive the GoWP team has been. When a concern arises on my end they really listen to me and then they’ll say, “Well here’s a couple ways we can make that work.” That means a lot to me.
Joel Nelson
Integrity Doctors IT Director